Para los del hemisferio norte esto no va a ser mucha novedad, pero para el resto que recién estamos entrando al otoño, los pantalones rojos prometen ser uno de los items infaltables para la temporada. Tanto en cuero como en gabardina, se los pudimos ver a Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham y Anna Dello Russo tanto combinado con negro, como con beige o estampas. Yo personalmente no me animo a los de cuero pero tengo un par de gabardina que usaba en la secundaria que pienso aggiornar. Y ustedes? Les gustan estos pantalones o pasan de largo esta tendencia?
For you at the north hemisphere this may be no novelty but for the rest of us who are entering fall, red pants promise to be a must have item for the new season. In denim or leather, we could see Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham and Anna Dello Russo rocking their red pants, combined with colors such as black, beige or crazy prints. I personally don’t dare to wear the leather ones but I have an old pair I used to wear to school that I’m thinking to rescue. And what about you? Do you like these pants and pass by this trend?
Algunas opciones nacionales...

Ani de Oh my blog
7 comentarios:
Buen dia!! esos pantalones son una fiebre..besosss
Yes, I would love to get a pair of red leather pants! It definitely spruces up any outfit!
i agree that red pants are awesome...i have had a pair for a bit over a year, and i am happy that they are more mainstream now!
House of Harlow 1960 GIVEAWAY at Illustrated-Moodboard
Beautiful red pants
the red pants are hot ! want to go for a pair of the wonderful marants !
xx the cookies
share the feeling
Red pants would be a perfect addition to my wardrobe! :)
<3Chelsea Elizabeth
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