Aunque llueva y truene...
21 sept 2010
18 sept 2010
Get back in your Book
14 sept 2010
Tasty Weekend
Harina 0000 255 g
Polvo para hornear 3 cucharaditas de té
Sal 1 cucharadita
Azúcar 110 g
Leche 240 cc
Esencia de vainilla 1 cucharadita
Huevos 1
Manteca derretida 85 g
Coloque los pirotines en los moldes para muffins. Precaliente el horno a 180ºC. En un bol, tamice la harina, el polvo para hornear y, al final, agregue el azúcar. En otro bol bata apenas el huevo con un tenedor. Incorpore la leche, la manteca derretida y la esencia de vainilla. Añada los ingredientes secos a los húmedos y mezcle con un tenedor hasta que no se vea la harina. No debe llevarle más de un minuto, la preparación tiene que quedar grumosa. Rellene los pirotines a 3/4. Cocine durante 25 minutos o hasta que estén dorados.
Para hacerlos saborizados agregar a la mezcla chips de chocolate, rayadura de naranja o limon, frutas secas, etc.
When I was little, I loved to cook. Anytime there was a family reunion, I used to prepare cakes and other pastries. As usually happends, with obligations my hours in the kitchen were left behind. But this past weekend, I had some free time and the weather was cold so I decided to prepare some tasty orange and chocolate muffins to share with my beloved ones with a cup a tea.
The recipe is of Dolli Irigoyen and it's super easy and quick. The basic ingredients can be found at any home and you can make them in different flavors.
Flour 0000 255 g
Baking powder 3 cucharaditas de té
Salt 1 cucharadita
Sugar 110 g
Milk 240 cc
Vanilla scent 1 cucharadita
Eggs 1
Melted Butter 85 g
Preheat the oven at 180ºC. In a bowl, put the flour, baking powder and sugar. In another, beat the egg with a fork with the milk, butter and vanilla. Add the dry ingredients, and mix until the flour can't be seen. Put the mix in muffin cups up to 3/4. Bake for 25 minutes.
Before baking you can add to the preparation chocolate chips, grated orange/lemon grind, nuts, etc.
11 sept 2010
9 sept 2010
Spotted Moth Contest on Polyvore
6 sept 2010
Juguemos en el bosque.../Let's play at the forest...
Eso es precisamente lo que podemos encontrar en la obra de Flavia Da Rin, una fotógrafa que manipula las imágenes que captura, para mostrar los sentimientos que afloran en las personas en aquellos momentos de tristeza y desapego al mundo.
Sus trabajos poseen un realismo increíble, y en ello quizás reside su gran éxito mundial, ya que hasta el momento Flavia Da Rin ha participado en importantes exposiciones realizadas en Corea, Estados Unidos y Singapur, entre otros.
Flavia Da Rin is one of the most avant-garde Argentinian artists of the moment, which work of manipulation of photography consagrated her around the World, thanks to her original vision of the daily surrounding and the introspective of the own human being.
That’s precisely what we can find at Flavia’s work, a photographer that manipulates the imagenes she captures, to show the feelings that appear on people in moments of sorrow and disattanchement from the world.
Her work has amazing realism, and in that resides probably her world-wide success, at the moment Flavia Da Rin has participated in mayor expositions at Korea, United States and Singapore, among other countries.